Our Player Code of Conduct
As players, you are representing yourself and the Club each time that you put on the shirt. The Club expects each and every player to conform to certain standards, as set out in this Code of Conduct.
- Respect yourself and do not put yourself in compromising situations
- Respect your team mates, club officials, opposition, referee and spectators.
- Show consideration to your club, its officials/training staff/playing staff/members
- Take pride in yourself and the club, honour the club's name and history
- Challenge inappropriateness
- Become a playing member of the club
- Do what you say you will
- Pay all fees on time
- Promote the club to family, friends and the community in which you live
- Look after the kit/equipment that you are given
- Be responsible for your personal fitness levels
- Attend training when and wherever possible
Breaches of the Code of Conduct will initially be made by the Head of Coaching and Captain of the team concerned. However, there may be occasions when this is not appropriate and, on these occasions, the matter will be referred to the Club's disciplinary panel.